A Cold Ride into Hell

A Cold Ride into Hell

February 10, 1918 In the bitter cold, a four-man posse riding in from Klondyke, Arizona,  surrounds a lone cabin in Kielberg Canyon. The posse—a...

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End of the Line

End of the Line

California train robbers Chris Evans and John Sontag had evaded posses for four months, through six fights.  But they were finally cornered at a...

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The Knife Didn’t Cut

The Knife Didn’t Cut

Robert Ford received threats after killing Jesse James in 1881.  People didn’t like that he’d shot the outlaw in the back of the head—or tried to...

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Death for a Killer

Death for a Killer

Ed O’Kelley is best known for killing Jesse James’ assassin Robert Ford in 1892. After O’Kelley did 10 years in the Colorado pen for the murder, he...

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