Did gunmen really make tenderfeet “dance” by shooting at their feet? Jim Spell Sonora, California Making a tenderfoot “dance” by shooting at his...

Did gunmen really make tenderfeet “dance” by shooting at their feet? Jim Spell Sonora, California Making a tenderfoot “dance” by shooting at his...
In December 1868, George Armstrong Custer peered down at a beautiful, freckle- faced white woman frozen in the snow. Clara Blinn had been shot in...
Lee Martin’s Fury at Cross Creek (self-published, $8) is a fast-paced, Western actioner that is sure to please. Reminiscent of the Hatfields and...
Hank Vaughan was a gunfighter in the Northwest. One shootout claimed the life of a lawman; Vaughan did hard time in the Oregon Territorial Prison...
From the earliest days of conquistadors, explorers, fur trappers and pioneer settlers, the vast grandeur of the American West—and its equally...
When Carl Hayden retired from the U. S. Senate in 1969 he’d served in Congress fifty-seven years, longer than any person in the history of the...
William F. Cody invested some profits from his Buffalo Bill’s Wild West show in the Sheridan Inn in Sheridan, Wyoming. When the traditional English...
On the morning on March 10th, 1856, a long caravan of two-wheeled careta’s pulled by oxen began moving south down the dusty road towards Tubac. The...
What did cowboys carry behind their saddles? Zane Green Braintree, Essex, England Depending on the weather, cowboys usually carried a slicker or a...
His name was O.C. “Harelip Charlie” Smith, and he may be the least known member of Wyatt Earp’s Vendetta Ride. But the Connecticut native—nicknamed...
When war broke out with Mexico in 1846 the prize the United States hoped to gain was California. To accomplish the mission the Army of the West was...
Back in the 1920s, renowned Western artist Charles M. Russell, who knew a thing or two about cowboys and how cowboying got started, noted, “Texas...