Schemer, Lou Blonger

Schemer, Lou Blonger

Lou Blonger was a man of many hats.  He was a miner, a saloon and bawdy house owner, a gambler, a lawman (for a very brief time).  And with his...

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Mescalero Melee

Mescalero Melee

On August 5, 1878, Billy the Kid and the Regulators, riding 19 strong, come down through the canyon leading to the Mescalero Apache Agency in...

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Uncle Jim’s Last Gunfight

Uncle Jim’s Last Gunfight

The Old West was quickly fading from reality into myth by the mid-1920’s. Most of the old time gunfighters had gone on to their great reward and...

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Pancho’s Pension

Pancho’s Pension

After almost ten years of fighting, Pancho Villa sends a telegram to President Huerta requesting amnesty. Huerta agrees and gives Villa a huge...

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