Although many other makes used, the Colt single-action six-shooter was the weapon of choice for most gunfighters. In his hands it was both a tool of...

Although many other makes used, the Colt single-action six-shooter was the weapon of choice for most gunfighters. In his hands it was both a tool of...
In the Netflix film, The Harder They Fall, a western movie about black outlaws in the 1880's and 1890's, it shows the Old West with "Black towns"...
The Missouri Kid thought he’d get away with murder. William Rudolph had no luck. The 20-year-old and a cohort robbed a Union, Missouri bank in 1903....
Questions surround Earp’s only legal marriage. In January 1870, Wyatt Earp took the plunge. He married Urilla (or Aurilla) Sutherland in Lamar,...
Billy the Kid tricked Joe Grant before killing him. One of the strangest legends of Billy the Kid concerns Joe Grant. The two got into a row in Fort...
William Anderson has been called “The Bloodiest Man in the Civil War.” His bushwhackers were bands of soldiers that didn’t belong to an organized...
In the years before the 1840's the favorite side arm was a knife, and the big guy with long arms had a distinct advantage. Before the coming of the...
The steamboats on the Colorado weren’t the floating palaces that Mark Twain wrote about. They were built to be strictly functional. They were...
The judge received death threats that may have worked. For Tombstone Justice of the Peace Wells Spicer, his decision to dismiss murder charges...
It was just one act in the remarkable life of Harvey Faucett. Harvey Faucett is little remembered—and that’s a shame. He was a lawman in Colorado,...
Actually, it was a pistol that forced Wells Spicer to marry. Tombstone Justice of the Peace Wells Spicer must have had a way with the ladies. In...
Growing concern over the independence of the Mormons in Utah caused Congress to appropriate some $75,000 to explore the possibilities of navigating...