Johnny Owens used trickery to arrest an outlaw. Johnny Owens was the sheriff of Weston County, based out of Newcastle, Wyoming (photo) in the early...

Johnny Owens used trickery to arrest an outlaw. Johnny Owens was the sheriff of Weston County, based out of Newcastle, Wyoming (photo) in the early...
Jim Moon faced down a mob at a Chinese laundry. On October 31, 1880, drunken mobs went after Chinese in Denver. Most of Chinatown was destroyed—but...
"This is not just a gun — it is the history of America." -Jim Earle The Early West: The Collection of Jim and Theresa Earle 27 Aug 2021 | Los...
Jack Watson put on a badge and went straight. Jack Watson was a hardcase. The Texan had spent time as a Ranger in his native state—but he also had a...
While the Texians winning their independence and while the Santa Fe Traders were opening commerce between the U.S. and Mexico, a reckless breed...
Among the many colorful denizens of Tombstone society during its heyday was Buckskin Frank Leslie. Although he was only 5’7” and weighed 135 pounds...
How did mountain men, cowboys, or settlers going west purify water before drinking? Survival shows today have people boiling it or some sort of...
David Starr Hoyt’s peace attempt proved fatal. David Starr Hoyt was an early casualty of “Bleeding Kansas.” In the mid-1850s, he was a leader of...
William Allen White made a small western paper into an internationally respected publication. William Allen White was born to be a newspaperman....
James H. Kelley was a force in Dodge City. James H. “Dog” Kelley was a key player in Dodge City, Kansas in the 1870s. The English-native came to...
There were certain customs that had to be respected in the Old West Saloons. For example, it was considered coarse manners to inquire of another...
During the mid-1840s two Englishmen, Tom Candy Ponting and his partner Washington Malone a trio of erstwhile stock dealers, came up with a grand...