Handling an antique, iron gray firearm stimulates thoughts and images of a long lost time. One can visualize hard use and wild days on the American...

Handling an antique, iron gray firearm stimulates thoughts and images of a long lost time. One can visualize hard use and wild days on the American...
Remember the Alamo (Replica) John Wayne starred in 1960’s The Alamo, filmed on a 500-acre set that took two years to build. When the actors and...
The defining features in the 4,440-square-foot Georgetown, Texas, home of historians Robert Utley and Melody Webb are the bookshelves. Their custom...
What is it about Christmas? Be it 2009 or 1889, people who celebrate it always find a way to recognize this holiday. Whether it be cattlemen stuck...
“He honored Sitting Bull by dressing him in...fine clothes with his own hands. [The Arikara (Ree) chief] put on him two fine scarlet trailing...
“Roy Rogers and Dale Evans came riding (in a jet) out of the sunset to Tampa yesterday to oversee a weekend shooting contest at River Ranch Acres,...
I asked for a pony one Christmas. A palomino, if memory serves, but I would have settled for a sorrel. I didn’t get it. I didn’t get that Fort...
Until 1900, one out of every four Colt’s Single Action Army (SAA) revolvers was produced in .44-40 caliber. The .44 WCF (.44 Winchester Central...
Fifteen years ago Tom and Linda Whitaker organized the Heber City Cowboy Poetry Gathering and Buckaroo Fair, but they had been collecting Western...
“I’ve known of Chinese cooks, out on the big ranches in Eastern Oregon, that, when full of hop or bad whiskey, would chase everybody with a big...
An Artistic Renovation In 1940 Olaf Wieghorst found his calling as a Western artist. Born in Denmark in 1899, he emigrated to the U.S. in his...
In the song “London Homesick Blues,” a broke cowboy is stuck in the cold, damp, far-from-Texas streets of England. He yearns to “go home with the...