“Sluice robber!” With that bellow, and a well-aimed shot, Frenchy (Karl Malden) and a Montana boomtown mob take after the thief (Ben Piazza). He’s...
Sitting Bull’s Gal
The primary job of the biographical Western Woman Walks Ahead, starring Jessica Chastain, Michael Greyeyes and Sam Rockwell, is to entertain. It...
Still Blasting Away
Six decades ago this September 30, a Western series premiered, starring a ballplayer-turned-actor and a one-season Mouseketeer as father-and-son...
A Bad Bad Man
Scott Martin has been cautiously optimistic about the future of Western films: “Until this resurgence, there hasn’t been the appetite for them. But...
DVD Review: The Durango Kid Collection
From 1945 to 1952, Charles Starrett played undercover hero the Durango Kid in 65 hugely popular Columbia Pictures B-Westerns. Unseen for decades, a...
Convinced by Gold
When, in 1959, one of America’s most popular and respected actors, Henry Fonda, announced that he would be starring in a Western TV series, the...
Dead Men Tell Tales
Walmart shoppers grabbing a DVD of the new Vision Films Western Dead Men, directed by Royston Innes, starring Ric Maddox and cowritten by the pair,...
New TV Series: Yellowstone
“Ranching is the only business where the goal is to break even—survive another season.” So says Kevin Costner’s character, John Dutton (shown...
Dusty’s Journey to the Movies
After writing hundreds of Westerns under a pseudonym, Dusty Richards was incredibly proud of the movie adapted from his 150th novel, published under...
Reality Cowboy Stars
This April 26, Chris “Booger” Brown, Cody Harris and Bubba Thompson saddle up for their third season of INSP’s The Cowboy Way—Alabama, the most...
Hostiles is Deeply Felt
Hostiles is a deeply felt story, peopled by soldiers, American Indians and civilians who express their feelings with utmost caution. Despite the...
The Nation’s Worst Single Lynching
You might guess that the worst single lynching in U.S. history took place in the Deep South and that the victims were black. But the remarkable...