By the mid 1880’s two transcontinental railroads crossed Arizona. The Santa Fe rolled across the northern part of the territory along the 35th...

By the mid 1880’s two transcontinental railroads crossed Arizona. The Santa Fe rolled across the northern part of the territory along the 35th...
The building of the transcontinental railroad along the 32nd Parallel was a major milestone in Arizona history. Up to then the main means of...
Is Tombstone home to two Boothills? Michael C. Westlund — Clarkdale, Arizona Boothill—originally called the Tombstone Cemetery—was the final resting...
Arizona is the home today of many famous people but its first superstar was a rodeo cowboy and Wild West performer named “Arizona Charlie.” He was...
Oklahoma and the Indian Territory provided some of the West’s wildest history including one of its deadliest gunfights. The battle occurred on...
On August 10th, 1883 the Florence-Globe Stagecoach was robbed about two miles from the remote Riverside Station on the Gila River by the Red Jack...
Santa Anna’s eccentricity was only exceeded by his greed and extravagance. He outfitted his own private army, gave an endless round of celebrations,...
The Girl I Left Behind Me, a long-standing popular folk tune and song, comes from Dublin, Ireland and is dated by most authorities to the late 18th...
Lost gold mines are among our greatest natural resources--they don't pollute the sky with columns of acrid smoke; or collect garbage, befoul...
During the early days California’s gold rush, women were a distinct minority, outnumbered about twenty to one. In San Francisco in 1849 it was...
One might say Asa Mercer was a "marriage arranger." In 1861 he became a founding father and first president of the University of Washington. He was...
Back in the 1960s I used to perform the old folk song, “Waggoner’s Lad.” The first line went like this: “Hard luck is the fortune of all womankind....