Yummy Yosemite

Yummy Yosemite

Yosemite Valley is a magical place where pioneers have visited since the mid-1800s. People still travel here to dine in a snow-covered Christmas....

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The Boss Drink

The Boss Drink

Pioneers were sipping ice cream soda waters as early as the 1860s, but ice cream sodas wouldn’t come along until the next decade. Ice cream soda...

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Fine Fruitcakes

Fine Fruitcakes

"Inmates of various boarding-houses shudder to think of the vast amount of turkey and fruitcake leftover from the feast of yesterday,” wrote San...

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Snake River Salmon

Snake River Salmon

“While travelling along the Snake River, father secured a fine, large salmon from an Indian, and we looked forward to a good feast at supper time....

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Indian Fare

Indian Fare

“We have cooking classes three days a week. The girls are taught to make all sorts of nice things to eat…. “The menu consists of bread, coffee, tea,...

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A Cure for Baldness?

A Cure for Baldness?

For centuries, bread has been a food staple. “I got six loaves of bread for a quarter at a bakery, and a bucket of syrup at a grocery...I would dip...

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A Cure for Baldness?

A Cure for Baldness?

For centuries, bread has been a food staple. “I got six loaves of bread for a quarter at a bakery, and a bucket of syrup at a grocery...I would dip...

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