Love Overcomes All

Love Overcomes All

Rowdy Joe Lowe ended up with a woman hurt in his gunfight. Competing saloon owners Red Beard and Rowdy Joe Lowe (photo) took their enmity to a new...

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Taming the Rowdy

Taming the Rowdy

Gunman Joe Lowe had an ignominious end. Rowdy Joe Lowe came by his nickname honestly, by being a hellraiser, a gunfighter and a saloon owner in...

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Saloon Etiquette

Saloon Etiquette

The men of the West These private men of the West were also accustomed to inquiring of another man’s first name only. With their varied and often...

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A saloon might also be known as a "watering trough, bughouse, shebang, cantina, grogshop, and gin mill.” The first saloon was established at Brown's...

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Saloon Etiquette

Saloon Etiquette

There were certain customs that had to be respected in the Old West Saloons. For example, it was considered coarse manners to inquire of another...

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How Did Saloons Preserve Beer?

How Did Saloons Preserve Beer?

How did saloons in the old west out in the middle of nowhere serve beer?  It must be refrigerated and does not travel well. In warmer climes the...

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The Tom Jonas Map Quest

The Tom Jonas Map Quest

Here’s a behind-the-scenes look at what it took to get a map of the location of Doc Holliday’s Saloon in Las Vegas, New Mexico (“Classic Gunfights,”...

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The saloon was the hub of the western town.  Bar, restaurant, gambling house, town hall, hotel, brothel, and sometimes courtroom and church.  Often...

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