In Phoenix, which means rebirth, the realization that history could be found deep beneath the Arizona dirt came when what is now America’s fifth largest city was nothing but a wide spot along a bad road. Back in 1924, the much smaller town received a remarkable gift: a slightly excavated ruin that promised answers about the civilization that had inhabite

May 2010
In This Issue:
Western Books & Movies
More In This Issue
- Fort Pierre, South Dakota
- William C. Porter
- Western Flair the Duke Would Appreciate
- Grape History on a Sunset Ride
- Top 10 Western Museums of 2010
- Great Guns in the Panhandle
- The Walls of a Prison Will Never Hold Me
- Depression-Era Treasure
- Tracking a Vendetta Rider
- As American as Apple Pie
- Mellow-Trauma
- Straws in the Wind
- Custer Portrait Shares a Hidden Story
- Centennial Celebration
- Can you tell me something about the Apache of southern Arizona?
- Can you tell me something about the comic book hero Kid Colt?