marshall-trimble-ask-the-marshallDo you know the story about a Texas cattle rancher who killed a rustler and tied him to a steer?

E. Spradling
Via Internet

You must be talking about John Calhoun Pinkney Higgins of Lampasas County, Texas. In 1874, Higgins caught cow thief Zeke Terrell butchering one of his cows. He dropped Terrell with his Winchester, then disemboweled the cow and stuffed the rustler’s corpse inside. Higgins then rode into town and informed the law where they could find a miracle taking place—a cow giving birth to a man.

Marshall Trimble is Arizona’s official historian. His books include The Arizona Trilogy and Law of the Gun.

If you have a question, write:

Ask the Marshall,

PO Box 8008

Cave Creek, AZ 85327

or email him at

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