The Last Cowboy

The Last Cowboy

Men trapped outside their times—it was the great theme of Sam Peckinpah’s best movies, and Brad Smith makes it his own in his first-rate novel, The...

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Doc Gets Hammered

Doc Gets Hammered

October 10, 1880 Two well-known sports, John Tyler and John Henry “Doc” Holliday, exchange harsh words while gambling in the Oriental Saloon. His...

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The Tale of Goldfield

The Tale of Goldfield

Goldfield, NV was one of the great boomtowns of the early 1900s.  Gold was discovered in 1902. Within four years, it had 30,000 residents—including...

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Billy, Bat and Temple Houston

Billy, Bat and Temple Houston

A tale is told that Billy the Kid along with a few of his Regulators raided a ranch near Lincoln and rustled some livestock. They drove them over to...

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Kingsville, Texas

Kingsville, Texas

No Hollywood writer could invent the life of Richard King. He was born in New York in 1824 into an Irish family so poor that, at age 9, he...

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