The James-Younger Gang was on the run after the Northfield robbery debacle, and posses were on the hunt. One group led by Minneapolis Police...
Sitting Bull’s Gal
The primary job of the biographical Western Woman Walks Ahead, starring Jessica Chastain, Michael Greyeyes and Sam Rockwell, is to entertain. It...
A Historical Photo Shows a group of Cowboys with Pipes Upside Down in their Mouths. What’s that About?
A historical photo shows a group of cowboys with pipes upside down in their mouths. What’s that about? Irv Ferguson Coolidge, Arizona Yep, I’ve seen...
True West’s Hometown
Residents of Cave Creek revere the town’s frontier beginnings and love the way it blends with the bohemian present. The two combine to make a...
Why Did Wagon Drivers Sit on the Right Side
Traditionally buggy drivers sat on the right because most were right handed and the whip could be wielded without possibly hurting the person seated...
Raid at Ash Fork
June 1st, 1912 the Tucson Arizona Daily Star wrote: PRESCOTT – “Ash Fork is today as innocent as a newborn babe; she is as pure and white, morally,...
Western Showdown
The Treasure of Bittercreek is Larry Richardson and Tom Richardson’s third installment in their Montana lawmen C. J. Mason and Thorn Hickum series,...
Our Gang
Meet the staff behind True West Magazine! (Pictured above) Lynda A. Sánchez, Age 6, 1951 Lynda is shown working with her father, Joe Carithers, on a...
Tombstone Tragedy
John Clum is best known for his time in Tombstone as mayor and founding editor of The Tombstone Epitaph. But that period was also one of personal...
Wes Hardin’s Child Bride: One of the Old West’s Shortest Marriages
John Wesley Hardin was released on February 17th, 1894 after serving more than fifteen and a half years of a twenty-five year sentence behind bars....
Old West Reproductions — the Devil is in the Detail
Among the very best companies offering replicas of mid-to late-19th-century assorted cowboy gear is Old West Reproductions, Inc., in Florence,...
The Earp Attorney
W.J. Hunsaker is best known for his connections to Wyatt Earp—helping to defend him against murder charges stemming from the OK Corral fight, and...