John Ford and Harry Goulding

John Ford and Harry Goulding

The year was 1938 and the Navajo were in the deep depths of the Great Depression.  Harry Goulding, proprietor of Goulding’s trading post on the...

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The Redoubtable Toothbrush

The Redoubtable Toothbrush

The question about hygiene in the West came up the other day from someone wondering if cowboys brushed their teeth. Well, some did and some didn’t....

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Custer’s Gold

Custer’s Gold

“GOLD!” proclaimed Dakota Territory’s Bismarck Tribune, August 12, 1874. Lt. Col.  George Armstrong Custer’s Black Hills expedition had discovered...

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The Bird Cage Theater

The Bird Cage Theater

Tombstone’s fabulous Bird Cage Theater opened December 23rd, 1881 to a raucous crowd territorial Arizonans.  There’s no doubt in the realm of legend...

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Monkey Business

Monkey Business

A half-scale saddle that advertised Buffalo Bill’s Wild West act of a monkey riding a goat was among the top historical lots to hammer down past its...

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Mysterious Dave and the Preacher

Mysterious Dave and the Preacher

One day a young man calling himself Brother Johnson came to town and soon his youth and enthusiasm was attracting large crowds. He dazzled them with...

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