Oatman Genesis

Oatman Genesis

Did John Moss, friend of Mohave leader Irataba, name the Oatman mine and, hence, the town after Olive Oatman? Or was the town originally called...

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The Barlow Road

The Barlow Road

The earliest travelers to Oregon Country abandoned their wagons at The Dalles and proceeded on down the Columbia River on rafts that took them to...

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Does Consumption Exist Today?

Does Consumption Exist Today?

Does consumption exist today? Roy G Rutter Turtle Creek, Pennsylvania Consumption, an early term for tuberculosis, was a dreaded disease of the...

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Heart Gone Wild

Heart Gone Wild

In 1857, Olive Oatman’s ghostwriter said this about her life story: “Much of that dreadful period is unwritten, and will remain forever unwritten.”...

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Legendary Westerners

Legendary Westerners

Blood Brothers: The Story of the Strange Friendship Between Sitting Bull and Buffalo Bill by Deanne Stillman (Simon and Schuster, $27) explores the...

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A Tragic Mistake

A Tragic Mistake

Captain Emmet Crawford was one of the tragic casualties of the Apache Wars.  In late 1885, he led a small force into Mexico, chasing Geronimo....

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