Orozco Mexican Revolutionary True West Magazine Western Novels
Orozco: The Life and Death of a Mexican Revolutionary by Raymond Caballero.

With shelves upon shelves of books about the Mexican Revolution in both Spanish and English, it would seem that one more would be unnecessary. But, half a century has passed since the last viable Orozco biography and Raymond Caballero gives an interesting “profile” in Orozco: The Life and Death of a Mexican Revolutionary (University of Oklahoma Press, $34.95).

The author presents information that permits the reader to understand why Orozco deserted the revolutionary ideals (if he ever had them) and became seen as a pariah for eventually supporting and accepting the support of the old Porfirio oligarchy.

Orozco Mexican Revolutionary True West Magazine Western Novels
Independent historian Raymond Caballero’s biography Orozco: The Life and Death of a Mexican Revolutionary is the first to be published on Gen. Pascual Orozco Jr. (shown standing in the middle of his staff in 1900), in decades, and provides new theories on his contradictory actions—and ignoble murder.
— Courtesy Library of Congress —

What may be of particular interest to readers is his analysis of the influence of the Protestant ideology on the Orozco clan; the role of the obviously psychotic Gonzalo Enrile; and, the analysis of numerous versions of the death/assassination/shooting of Orozco on U.S. territory.

Caballero also provides a description of the ambience north of the border and the actions by Americans which could support or destroy revolutionaries and their movements.

Salomé Hernández, Spanish Borderlands historian.

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