King Woolsey

King Woolsey

King Woolsey, was one of Arizona’s best-known pioneers during the 1860s. He prospected for gold in Arizona before the Walker Party arrived in 1863....

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Hazards on the Long Trail

Hazards on the Long Trail

The Long drives from South Texas to Kansas from the 1860s to the 1880s were roughly six hundred miles and took about six weeks. I should have taken...

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Geronimo Finds Jesus?

Geronimo Finds Jesus?

It was 1903, and Apache leader Geronimo staggered into a Dutch Reform Church at Ft. Sill, OK, where he was being held as a prisoner of war.  He was...

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Back to Basque

Back to Basque

Basque immigrants hailed from a region that stretches across the Pyrenees Mountains into France and northern Spain. They first arrived in America...

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The Texas Cattle Drives

The Texas Cattle Drives

Although there were cattle drives prior to the Civil War their heyday came in the years that followed. The war had pretty much depleted the beef...

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Muddied Waters

Muddied Waters

Frank Waters’ 1960 book The Earp Brothers of Tombstone was once considered an authoritative look at the Earps, as seen through the eyes of Virgil’s...

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Fake News Guru

Fake News Guru

In the 1920s, Oatman, Arizona, was a boomtown, and while the discovery of gold and the prosperity of the mines were always tabloid fodder, a bizarre...

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