Condemning the Jail

Condemning the Jail

The New Albany, Indiana Jail was just a few years old when four members of the Reno Gang were moved there in 1868.  They were supposed to be jailed...

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The Railroad Comes to Holbrook

The Railroad Comes to Holbrook

Holbrook, Arizona, located at the junction of the Rio Puerco and Little Colorado rivers and straddling the new Atlantic and Pacific Railroad, was...

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Tuffy and Jake Meet Santa Claus

Tuffy and Jake Meet Santa Claus

Once upon a time there was two cowboys named Jake and Tuffy.  It was December and there wasn’t much cowboy work so they were spending the winter in...

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Close, But No Cigar

Close, But No Cigar

The story goes that John Wayne was a judge on a talent show for college students in the late ‘60s, and he was very impressed with the girl...

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A Young Cowboy’s Christmas

A Young Cowboy’s Christmas

Mack Hughes was one of the last of the Hashknife Cowboys. When he hired out for the outfit in the 1920s he didn’t even own a pair of boots. He...

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