Today, a forest ranger may call to mind a friendly guide who leads nature walks and gives campfire talks. But 100 years ago, forest rangers who...

Today, a forest ranger may call to mind a friendly guide who leads nature walks and gives campfire talks. But 100 years ago, forest rangers who...
Did “Wild Bill” Hickok have a sidekick named Jingles? Jeanne Miller - Clarksville, Tennessee. Jingles, played by the great Andy Devine, was a...
In five decades, he never forgot the smell of the leather at Hamley & Co.’s saddle shop in Pendleton, Oregon. In his sixth decade, he brought...
The legend, the myth, the legacy of Crazy Horse didn’t end with his death. American Indians of several tribes—including some who opposed him in the...
Private Will Croft Barnes received the Medal of Honor for “bravery in action” when he made a daring ride from Fort Apache (which was under siege by...
Paul Andrew Hutton has written up the true adventures of a frontier Wonder Woman who somehow—for the life of me, I don’t know why—has escaped big...
The most imposing and best known in theater in Tombstone was Schieffelin Hall, inspired by the town founder. For two decades it was the largest...
Museums across the West are embracing an ever-widening range of stories to interpret—from the geology and paleontology of the landscape to the...
There’s nothing left to show for it today, but one time the Escalante in Ash Fork, Arizona was billed as the best Harvey House west of Chicago. The...
William F. Cody was a man seemingly trapped in the distant past, yet one who cared desperately about the onrushing future…
What type of poker was popular in the Old West? Douglas E. Meyer – Wichita, Kansas. In those days, poker was a simpler game, and almost all of its...
Michael Gibbs’s first volume in his “High Plains Warrior” series, Spirit Wolf (CreateSpace, $12.95), plots catastrophic events in the lives of the...