I met Marty Robbins in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, at a National Cowboy Hall of Fame event in 1979. He was there to receive the Golden

October 2017
In This Issue:
Western Books & Movies
More In This Issue
- Did “Buffalo Bill” Cody Ever Ride for the Pony Express?
- Western Events for October 2017
- Jack Swilling’s Arizona Adventures: Part II
- Jack Swilling’s Arizona Adventures: Part I
- The Serendipitous Birth of Blue Jeans
- The Old West in the Ozarks
- From Blood Brother to Broken Arrow
- The True Roots History of the Kansas Jayhawks
- Restaurateur Ike Clanton
- Chunk Colbert’s Deadly Grudge
- Ramblin’ Gamblin’ Ladies
- Tom Bullocks Railroad
- Alberta’s Ghost Train
- The Wretched Newspaper War
- Pancho Villa Pt. III: The Fall of Pancho Villa
- One Way to Save the Ranch
- Pancho Villa Pt. II: The Rise to Power
- The Teacher and the Badmen
- The Saga of Pancho Villa Pt. I
- They Headed Them North
- Mangas Coloradas’ Undue Fate
- What History Has Taught Me: Ron Lesser
- What Pistol did “Wild Bill” Hickok use to Kill Davis Tutt in 1865?
- Lords of the West
- “¡No Tire en la Casa!”
- Did Outlaws Shoot Locks Off Strongboxes?
- Did Old West Gunmen Wear Armor?
- What Are Needle Guns?
- Californios’ Legal Hero
- Buffalo Bill’s Saddle Pals
- Where was the Fort Located at Fort Collins, Colorado?
- Senior Citizens to the Rescue
- Did Wyatt Earp Live in the House Where the Statue Stands at the Corner of Fremont and First Streets?