Drugs on the Frontier

Drugs on the Frontier

During the 19th century drugs were widely available and affordable. They were often in greater demand than alcohol. Used for medical treatment they...

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Western Adventure

Western Adventure

Lee Martins’ The Last Wild Ride  (CreateSpace, $7.35) tells the story of Sam Jefferies, a rugged cowboy carrying a death wish until he is asked to...

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Ride the High Country

Ride the High Country

Ride the High Country is considered a classic.  The 1962 film—directed by Sam Peckinpah—starred Joel McRea as a washed up marshall hired to protect...

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Patricio Valenzuela, the hacendado (ranch owner) of the Agua Fria hacienda eight miles east of Cucurpe in Sonora, Mexico, is alerted by his vaqueros...

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The Legendary West

The Legendary West

The West conjures images: sky-touching-earth horizons, uncharted wilderness, turbulent rivers, an unbounded Milky Way flung across the heavens....

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Phoenix Gets a Name

Phoenix Gets a Name

“Lord” Darrell Duppa was an adventurer, world traveler, scholar and gifted elocutionist. He wasn’t really a lord but the folks around Phoenix in the...

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Charles Stevens

Charles Stevens

  Charles Stevens was often cast as Native Americans or Mexicans in movies and television in a career that stretched from 1915 to 1961.  He...

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