Are you here to see the Dakota War exhibit?” a male worker at the Minnesota History Center in St. Paul asks me. It takes a moment before I can answer. I didn’t expect anyone in Minnesota to be broadcasting the 150th anniversary of a war that most people here would just as soon as forget. But, “Yeah,” I reply, and head upstairs to take in “The US-Dakota War of 1862,” which opened last June and closes on September 8. This is an impressive, well-balanced exhibit, low on artifacts, b

May 2013
In This Issue:
More In This Issue
- The “Icon” is Dead
- What is Missouri outlaw Sam Hildebrand’s story?
- Triangle Canyon Shoot-Out
- Western movies frequently show someone “slappin’ hot iron on a wound.” Was this common?
- Bigfoot Stands Out
- Grand Hotels of the West
- McLintock! Memories
- May 2013 Events
- Andrew J. Fenady’s post-civil war reads
- Custer, Cody, and Grand Duke Alexis
- Lady at the O.K. Corral
- Came Men on Horses
- In the Shadow of Billy the Kid
- Crockett Hotel
- Peery Hotel
- Hotel Colorado
- Ambassador Hotel
- “Serious Cow People”
- Gold Hill Hotel
- Copper Queen Hotel
- Crescent Hotel & Spa
- The Apache Wars in Apache Words
- Hotel Alex Johnson
- Death on the Line
- Irma Hotel
- Hank Monk
- The Godfather of Gunleather
- Scoping Out Del Norte
- Remembering the Dakota War in Minnesota
- Main Street Dreams
- The Fighting Parson’s Fallout
- Summer Harvest Beer
- The Mexican Hat Dance
- Grapes vs. Rhubarbs?
- Patrick Hogan
- What can you tell me about nickel-plated revolvers in the Old West?
- Were the Molly Maguires ever active in the West?
- How many times was Marshal Matt Dillon shot on Gunsmoke?
- Central Texas Tales
- Rough Drafts 5/13