Drawn to Casas Grandes by its rich history and fueled by an interest in sustainable architecture, Jack Anderson set out to build a business and a...
Big Bend Mystery Under the Sands
How long it had lain in the West Texas desert, no one knew. It was 1972, and the firearm looked as if it had been undisturbed for at least a...
The Emperor’s Old Guns
Imagine the elevator of a posh Vegas hotel opening its doors, revealing a man holding a toilet paper torch, wearing a king-sized sheet clad around...
Run Out of Town On a Rail
A Western romance comes to life while I ride on Amtrak’s Southwest Chief. I feel its authenticity—from the close-up scenery speeding past the window...
Preservation: Let the Water Flow
Let the Water Flow In early March, a torrent of water rushed through the Grand Canyon. It was not an act of God; man was behind the Great Flood of...
Cattle Track Creations
Living and working as an artist in one of the few places in Scottsdale, Arizona, that remains natural and largely undeveloped, Mark McDowell daily...
NRA’s Cowboy Celebration
“When fact becomes legend, print the legend!” So goes the words of the great film director, John Ford, when asked about portraying truth in his...
Dodge City’s All-Stars
The formation of the Dodge City Peace Commission took place 125 years ago this June, so I’m wondering, “Why all the hoopla?” Okay, so there isn’t a...
Charlie Russell’s Newest Painting
Charlie Russell showed off his newest painting at this year's C.M. Russell Art Auction. Impossible, you say? The esteemed cowboy artist did so...
Roadside Culture
“We call these people ‘untutored,’ and yet, to watch a desert dweller spill varicolored sands between his fingers into a magic pattern on the ground...
Not Just Book Larnin’
You know that old adage, “those who can, do; those who can’t, teach”? University of Texas Professor Michael Collins proves that saying wrong. For...
Clean Shots
The most successful gunfighters in the Old West were firm believers in maintaining their firearms. As the story goes, handsome, homicidal John...