Trace Adkins follows in the footsteps of Gene Autry, Roy Rogers and Johnny Cash. It’s been a great year for Trace Adkins, the six-foot six-inch...
Westerns Down Under
In 1906, just three years after the 12-minute The Great Train Robbery, the first ever hour-long film, The Story of the Kelly Gang, another...
Tom Selleck: The Last of the Breed
The renowned film and television star reflects on his 50 years in Westerns and his hope that he will ride the range again on the silver screen....
Western Film Composer Ennio Morricone Dead at 91 Ennio Morricone, 1928 - 2020
After a notable career in the film industry, Italian composer Ennio Morricone passed away at the age of 91 on Monday. The Italian cultural ministry...
The Wild, Wild West
Now, more than ever, it’s time to rediscover your favorite Westerns and enjoy recent productions that keep the Old West alive in film and television.
A Fistful of Ladies
Women may love Westerns, but only a handful have directed one.
Small Town Movie Theaters In The 1940s What were small town movie theaters like in the 1940s during the heyday of B-Westerns?
What were small town movie theaters like in the 1940s during the heyday of B-Westerns? Remember this was before those little b/w television sets...
Western Portraits, Unsung Heroes and Villains of the Silver Screen
Here’s a book of old-timey-style photographs, along with biographies of unforgettable movie and TV Western personalities.
The Best of the West: Western Movies
The small screen tells the big stories.
True Grit’s 50th Anniversary
John Wayne’s Oscar-winning performance as Rooster Cogburn in the Paramount film culminated the greatest year in Western film history.
Born to the West
Robert Carradine reflects on his career in Westerns and his family’s rich legacy in Hollywood.
Keeping It Real
In my opinion, the folks in Hollywood get the facts right more often than most people give them credit for. That is the premise of our cover story...