What kind of reception did traveling entertainment groups receive in the West?
Gloria Mata
Phoenix, Arizona
They were very popular in the entertainment-starved West, and the good ones made a lot of money. They ranged from Shakespearean troupes to minstrel shows to circus and equestrian acts.
Pretty women were the most popular because of a dearth of females on the frontier, and many became very rich.
Caroline Chapman was one of the first real actresses to head West. Following her first performance in San Francisco, the audience carpeted the stage with poke sacks filled with gold.
Maria Eliza Rosanna Gilbert from Limerick, Ireland, took the stage as the exotic Lola Montez and became quite rich doing her “Spider Dance.” And there were many more.

True West Archives
What is known about Billy the Kid’s early years?
Richard Klingenberger
Buda, Texas
For the most part, they are a mystery. The Kid’s birth name was William Henry McCarty Jr. His birthplace is not certain, maybe New York City. His family apparently lived in Indianapolis for a time, but little is known about that period. Billy had a brother—or maybe a half-brother—named Joseph, who was a gambler.
The Kid began calling himself William H. Bonney, but where he got the alias is unknown. Hopefully, more research will find more info on Billy.
How did the transcontinental railroad affect the bison?
Robert Grace
Brooklyn, New York
The bison were the commissary for the Plains Indians. Since there were so few resources on the Plains, the Indians developed skills to use as much of the great beasts as possible. The land grants that the railroad companies were given took away land from the Plains Indians. The grants also greatly disrupted buffalo hunting, as fences around new White settlers’ lands and the railroad blocked the buffalo migrations. Now, the White hide hunters could travel by rail to hunt, many just for sport. Others sought the fur for coats and other clothing. And the hides were used to make machine belts for the burgeoning Industrial Revolution. By 1900, naturalists estimated that fewer than 1,000 bison remained in the West.

When did bowling appear in Arizona?
Tom Barker
Kansas City, Missouri
The earliest bowling alley I found in Arizona was Vogan’s in Tombstone in 1879. The town also boasted four churches, an icehouse, a school, two banks, three newspapers and an ice cream parlor. That’s alongside 110 saloons, 14 gambling halls and numerous dance halls and brothels.

in Tombstone.
Courtesy Library of Congress
What do you know about Clay Beauford, the noted Arizona pioneer?
James Collins
Tucson, Arizona
Clay Beauford was not his real name. He was born Wilford C. Bridwell but changed his name to Clay Beauford when he ran away from home at the age of 14 to enlist in the Confederate Army. He then had a distinguished career during the Apache Wars in the early 1870s.
Afterward, in 1874, John Clum hired him as chief of Indian police at San Carlos, where he played a role in the dramatic capture of Geronimo and Victorio at Ojo Caliente. For that, Beauford received a Medal of Honor.
He followed that up by becoming a successful rancher and miner. In 1879, he formally changed his name back to Bridwell, then served in the 1885 session of the Arizona Territorial Legislature.
Beauford/Bridwell died in Los Angeles in 1905.