"Redskin on one side of the mountain, redskin on the other" is what my aunts told me when I was a teen. My Cherokee family came to Arkansas on what was later known as the Trail of Tears. Someone in the family, though, decided that we should pass for white. I’ve always wondered what it felt like to those who weren’t light enough to pass as white, what a schism like that does to a family.
The Cherokee originally called themselves “People of the Caves.” Zadayi Red is about their predeces

November/December 2009
In This Issue:
Western Books & Movies
- Gunsmoke: The Third Season, Vol. 1
- Sergeant Preston of the Yukon Season One
- Warner Archival DVDs
- Gunsmoke: The Third Season, Volume 2
- Brimstone
- Death Mask
- Hard Winter
- Shooting Stars of the Small Screen
- Illustrating Wounded Knee
- Bad News for Outlaws
- A Measure of Mercy
- The Return of Roy Rogers
- Paul Newman Tribute
- Bonanza Classic Revived
More In This Issue
- How did people stay cool in the heat of the Old West?
- Were there Indian cowboys or gunmen in the Southwest?
- How long did it take a letter to be delivered via Pony Express?
- How did Indians and whites treat half-breeds on the frontier?
- What’s the story behind Earp’s Buntline Special?
- Aged Beauties
- Looping Across Kit Carson’s Southwest
- All Roads Lead to Chaco Canyon
- Preservation: Remember the Alamo (Replica)
- Homeplace Ranch
- A Historian’s Dream House
- Caleb Fox
- Bisbee, Arizona
- Christmas on the Frontier
- Defender of the Black Hills
- Indian-Inspired Fashion
- A Hair-Raising Tale
- Naco Debacle
- Trigger Happy
- My Christmas Wish List