"It’s Doc Cochran’s office—I’m sure of it! And there’s the Bella Union!” Over a decade after HBO’s Deadwood had left the air, fans attending the...

"It’s Doc Cochran’s office—I’m sure of it! And there’s the Bella Union!” Over a decade after HBO’s Deadwood had left the air, fans attending the...
The question came up a while back from a reader wanting to know when paper money started being used by the common man instead of gold and silver...
When pioneers settled Tucson, Arizona, in the 1800s many ate in hotels, boardinghouses or restaurants that reflected the times and trends. Items...
As much as we all appreciate the educational value a meticulously researched, fact-filled history book, there’s much to be said for the pure...
Wild Bunch member O.C. “Camilla” Hanks was almost the victim of mistaken identity when he died. Hanks—also known as “Deaf Charley”—was on the run...
The year 1876 proved the turning point in Calamity Jane Canary’s career. It began with two quick trips to the Black Hills with Gen. George Crook and...
It’s unclear what role Tom O’Day played with the Wild Bunch. Some say he was a scout, checking possible robbery sites. Others claim he was a drunken...
After the battle for the Alamo, did any of the wives or children of Crockett, Bowie or Travis visit the site? Dave Knapp Wilmington, North Carolina...
Not much is known about Wild Bunch rider “Laughing Sam Carey”—including how he got the nickname. Some accounts say he hung around the...
The other day a friend asked me if I thought the Earp’s were pivotal figures in settling the west or the towns they policed. My first response was,...
The U.S. Cavalry’s first official-issue saber—the Model 1833, although graceful and handsome, was disliked by the troops. Considered altogether too...
The outlaws of Cochise County during the 1880s were a reckless breed and the fact that Curly Bill was one of their leaders says something of his...