Justice Frontier Style

Justice Frontier Style

Many frontier towns had no official judge and usually a man respected for his wisdom would be called upon arbitrate disputes between two parties. If...

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Seminole Scouts

Seminole Scouts

These black scouts were descendants of runaways fleeing enslavement by whites. They sought refuge in  Florida in the late 18th and early 19th...

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Going for the Gold

Going for the Gold

In 1864 and ’65, a Confederate-sympathizer group called Ingram’s Partisan Rangers pulled a series of stage robberies in northern California. The...

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Battle of Rosebud

Battle of Rosebud

General Crook is leading the Big Horn and Yellowstone Expedition, which consists of some 990 cavalry and mule-mounted infantry, 250 friendly...

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Start of a Lawman

Start of a Lawman

Dave Cook was one of the top lawmen in the Rocky Mountains, breaking up several outlaw gangs from his Denver base during the 1870s and 1880s. But he...

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