More than one writer has called Doc a "deadly dentist" who killed several men during his turbulent life. Most likely Doc encouraged these stories...
The Diné Return to the Four Corners
Fort Sumner, New Mexico, has never been an easy place to live. Winters can be brutal. Summers are often blistering. The scenery’s spartan. Few...
Justice Frontier Style
Many frontier towns had no official judge and usually a man respected for his wisdom would be called upon arbitrate disputes between two parties. If...
Yellowstone Was Only the Beginning
July is the busiest month for Yellowstone National Park, where vacationers find a cool respite from the sizzling heat. The idea of setting aside...
The Missouri Smokescreen
St. Joseph, MO was in turmoil in the days after Jesse James was killed on April 3, 1882. Townspeople were shocked that the outlaw had been living...
Posse Catches Horseback Train Robbers in a Touring Car
Did you ever wonder what kind of traffic signals and traffic laws were in place in towns the early years of the horseless carriage? Traffic moved...
Seminole Scouts
These black scouts were descendants of runaways fleeing enslavement by whites. They sought refuge in Florida in the late 18th and early 19th...
Going for the Gold
In 1864 and ’65, a Confederate-sympathizer group called Ingram’s Partisan Rangers pulled a series of stage robberies in northern California. The...
Battle of Rosebud
General Crook is leading the Big Horn and Yellowstone Expedition, which consists of some 990 cavalry and mule-mounted infantry, 250 friendly...
Prescription for a Lawbreaker
Doc Middleton (real name: James Riley) was one of the greatest horse thieves of the Old West era. Some estimates say he rustled 2,000 head over a...
Did Frontier Soldiers go through Boot Camp?
Did frontier soldiers go through boot camp? Bill Haines Nashville, Tennessee Jefferson Barracks, south of St. Louis, Missouri, was established July...
Start of a Lawman
Dave Cook was one of the top lawmen in the Rocky Mountains, breaking up several outlaw gangs from his Denver base during the 1870s and 1880s. But he...