Why were only the front hooves of mules shod? Mort Mortensen Mableton, Georgia The front legs carried most of the mules’ weight, so having shoes on...

Why were only the front hooves of mules shod? Mort Mortensen Mableton, Georgia The front legs carried most of the mules’ weight, so having shoes on...
One could argue there is enough negative about the history of Fort Apache that people might not want to come,” Karl Hoerig admits. “It’s a...
In 1849 Kit Carson rode as scout for a company of Dragoons in pursuit of Apache raiders along the Santa Fe Trail. They had taken a white woman,...
Geologists, conservationists, and environmentalists have been anticipating the 150th anniversary of John Wesley Powell’s extraordinary first...
Six decades ago this September 30, a Western series premiered, starring a ballplayer-turned-actor and a one-season Mouseketeer as father-and-son...
Frank McNab was second in command of the Regulators, the Lincoln County War group that included Billy the Kid. He participated in the assassination...
Contemporary scholars remark there were few bank robberies in the Old West. That’s because there were few banks. Money was kept in the mercantile...
Granville Stuart, who died 100 years ago this October, is one of the most remarkable men in the history of the West. Born in what’s now West...
Edward Charles Abbott was born in England—but he became the prototypical American cowboy. His family moved to Texas when he was a boy; he later...
What was the name of Frank Stilwell’s saloon in Charleston? Bill Brooks Beverly Hills, Florida Frank Stilwell’s place was simply known as...
It's brother against brother in the action packed western Any Bullet Will Do. Taking place during 1876 in Montana, a ruthless headhunter tracks his...
It was the worst mining disaster in Colorado’s history. April 22, 1917, at the town of Hastings, where the Victor American Fuel Company had been...