Zane Grey, Forge, $19.95, Hardcover.
 Zane Grey, Forge, $19.95, Hardcover.

Thousands of readers have blessed the day Pearl Zane Grey dropped the dental profession to pen memorable Westerns such as the classics in this action-packed trilogy. The first, To the Last Man, recalls a deadly range war between the ranching Isbels and sheepherding Jorths, as Jean Isbel and Ellen Jorth struggle to keep their love alive. No one knows where The Mysterious Rider comes from, but they discover he’s a man of strong loves and hates. The best of the three tales, The Lone Star Ranger, has gunfighter Buck Duane hunted by both outlaws and lawmen, with just one chance at freedom—destroy the mysterious leader of the Cheseldine gang but lose the daughter’s love.

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