After Pat Garrett and his posse successfully captured Billy the Kid and three members of his gang at a place called Stinking Springs, Garrett then...
A Long and Twisted Trail
When you tug at the threads of history you will find it connected to some pretty disparate events. For example: If the United States government had...
Dead On Arrival
In the opening sequence of the classic Western One Upon A Time In The West there are three gunmen who show up at the train station. “Stony” (Woody...
Death at his Elbow
If you took all the alcohol out of the Wild West era, you would certainly save a forest of trees, because all of the printed stories of shooting,...
Under The Mistletoe
After being captured at Stinking Springs, Billy the Kid and his gang were taken to Fort Sumner, New Mexico where Billy was allowed to say goodbye to...
Snowstorm Ambush
Five outlaws rode out of a powder-blue fog on the night of December 19, 1880, straight into an ambush sprung by Sheriff-elect Pat Garrett. As Billy...
Doc Gets Hammered
October 10, 1880 Two well-known sports, John Tyler and John Henry “Doc” Holliday, exchange harsh words while gambling in the Oriental Saloon. His...
Dear Lew
Writing in red ink on ruled paper, Billy the Kid writes a letter to Lew Wallace, the governor of New Mexico.Written from Fort Sumner, on December...
The Tunnel Saloon Fight
May 31, 1888 Pete Gabriel, accompanied by his friend Mike Rice, leaves in a buggy from his Riverside gold mines, headed for Florence, Arizona...
Arizona Territory Born Into Trouble
In 1863, a bill passed the U.S. Senate officially organizing the Arizona Territory, and on February 24, President Abraham Lincoln signed it into...
Ike Bites the Dust
June 1, 1887 Apache County Stock Association detective J.V. Brighton, formerly known as “Rawhide Jack” during his rustling days, and two lawmen have...
An Apache Named Fun
On the San Carlos Apache Reservation in the 1870s the U.S. Army was charged with writing down the names of each tribal member who was eligible to...