During the 19th century around 400,000 people traveled the Oregon and California Trails seeking new opportunities, land, gold. They traveled with...
Following Mountain Man Jim Bridger
At the edge of the Red Desert, But situated in a lush valley within view of a mountain range that retains snow on its peaks much of the year, Fort...
Cowboy Bunkhouse
Dee Steed was born in Wyoming’s Star Valley; he knocked around Wyoming with his cowboy father, worked cows himself and spent six years on the rodeo...
Trailing Narcissa Whitman & Eliza Spalding
Narcissa had entered into a marriage of convenience with Dr. Marcus Whitman to fulfill her lifelong desire to serve a mission. Traveling with her...
Finding Inspiration in the Clouds
His family had no air conditioning, so as a youngster, Ed Mell escaped the summer heat of Phoenix by visiting his grandfather at a cabin, built in...
Following Thomas “Broken Hand” Fitzpatrick
Irish immigrant Thomas Fitzpatrick signed on with William Ashley to head out West in search of beaver in 1823. He traveled up the Missouri River,...
Retreat at the Homestead Ranch
The first night Duaine Hagen spent at the Homestead Ranch was not exactly pleasant. He, a friend and a cousin reached the high elevation Wyoming...
Following the Wild Bunch
Members of the Wild Bunch Gang hopscotched across one isolated region to another where they found refuge from lawmen and posses once they had pulled...
Surviving Geronimo’s Raiders
Long a sanctuary for people and animals seeking to escape scrutiny, the VO Slash Ranch near Nogales in southeastern Arizona is home to a...
Following Jack Slade’s Stagecoach Trail
“A high and efficient servant of the Overland, an outlaw among outlaws and yet their relentless scourge, Slade was at once the most bloody, the most...
House of the Butterfly
Several years ago, Kat Vinson contemplated purchasing five villas and operating them as a bed and breakfast in Camp Verde, Arizona. Before making...
Tom Horn: Competent and a Killer
Incompetence is not a word to associate with Tom Horn, for from his teenage years until his death, he more than once proved he was the opposite. Of...