John Boessenecker’s new biography of Black Bart, plus three new history-travel books, a Southern Plains adventure and a collection of rip-roaring...
Battle for the New World
A bold, new interpretation of the conquest of North America, plus two new books on Western borders, a biography of King Fisher and a classic Western...
Best of the West 2023: Western Books
The Hero’s Journey The heroic efforts of the men and women who write and publish about the West must be celebrated. This year will mark the...
True Westerner of the Year: Candy Moulton
Wyoming's Best: Candy Moulton I first met Candy Moulton in person at the Tucson Festival of Books in March 2014. As senior editor at True...
Best of the West 2023
At 70 years old, we pause, reflect and celebrate the grand milestone. In 1953, Austin, Texas, publisher Joe A. Small launched True West...
A Legendary Year, an Epic Story
A rollicking chronicle of the West, plus a new Arizona Rangers history, new bios of Hopi potter Nampeyo and Apache Chiquito, and a new classic...
War and Peace
Linda Wommack’s new history of Colorado’s Indian Wars, a collection of essays on the Silver State, a tale of a Cheyenne hero, a classic Western from...
El Bandito Simpático
James B. Mills’ major new biography of Billy the Kid, plus a geographic history of Nebraska, an alternate bio of The Kid, a Wild West Western, and...
Reveille to Taps
A poignant biography of the survivors of Little Bighorn, a new collection of short stories, a biography of a Chinese frontier leader, a history of a...
Hallowed Heroes Sacred Lands
A dual biography of Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull, plus a novel of the Mexican War, a history of slavery on the border, a classic Western and a...
An Epic Tale of Life and Death
A great novel about the legendary Geronimo, a new history of U.S.-Mexico’s La Frontiera, two classic Western novels and a new history of Silver...
The Thrill of the West
Discover the tourist West in American Dude Ranch, and read a frontier murder-mystery, a novel of Libbie Custer, a Santa Fe Trail adventure and a bio...