TW Editors
Doc’s Diet

Doc’s Diet

True West caught up with Dennis Quaid who will serve as Grand Marshal of the Doc Holli-Days parade in Tombstone, Arizona, this August 11. Nearly 25...

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Studio Props?

Studio Props?

Our February issue sharing how history should view Chatto, in John Sandifer’s “Apache Traitor or Hero?” article, has sparked an interesting...

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“I knew Wyatt Earp...I was an assistant prop boy then...and he told me about the fight at the O.K. Corral.” John Ford’s statement to Peter...

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October Events 2014

October Events 2014

A Western roundup of events where you can experience the Old West! AUCTION Texas Art signature AuctionDallas, TX, October 18: Western art...

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The Gunfighters

The Gunfighters

Some of these badmen were so tough the only way to get a photograph of them was in death. Other gunfighters posed for many a picture (Wild Bill...

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