Author of over 550 western novels, including 470 novels in the ongoing Gunsmith series.

Author of over 550 western novels, including 470 novels in the ongoing Gunsmith series.
Out here history lies in the badlands, prairies and rivers that flow through Southeast Montana. Visit Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument...
At Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument, walk the hills and ravines where brave warriors and soldiers clashed and the U.S. 7th Cavalry,...
The landscape between Yellowstone and Glacier national parks embodies all the best of Big Sky Country. Around every bend lies another treasure or a...
Review of Lane R. Warenski’s Grizzly Killer: White Snake.
Review of Prentiss Ingraham’s Buffalo Bill Cody, A Man of the West.
Review of Mickey Spillane and Max Allan Collins’ Last Stage to Hell Junction.
Review of Eli Paul’s The Frontier Army: Episodes from Dakota and the West.
Rock ‘n’ roll bassist-singer Jack Blades has been a touring professional rock musician since he joined the San Francisco funk band Rubicon in 1976.
For November 2019.
W. Michael Farmer’s in-depth historical research and Southwestern experiences fill his stories with a genuine sense of time and place. He has published award-winning novels, short stories in anthologies, and essays.
For October 2019.