Our new favorite show in the Land of the Nitpickers. All Images of “1883” Courtesy Paramount+/Robert Duvall Image Courtesy CBS Television We love...

Our new favorite show in the Land of the Nitpickers. All Images of “1883” Courtesy Paramount+/Robert Duvall Image Courtesy CBS Television We love...
Let’s find someone to refilm Kevin Jarre’s original script and complete his dream. Thanks to Jeff Morey, the historical consultant on Tombstone I...
Funny what a hunch can produce. I didn’t see any ads or notices about the event in Tombstone. I just knew I had to be there, in the corral, for the...
It has become somewhat of a tradition at True West magazine to do a mountain man on the December cover. In the past two decades we have run at least...
Ben Johnson knew how to set a horse. In our universe there are numerous classic cowboy stars, and then there is one true cowboy who also became a...
Long may our stories be told. When my Illustrated Life and Times of Wyatt Earp book was first published (1993), I did a book-signing at the...
An underdog gets his due. All my life I have heard criticism of Edward Sheriff Curtis. He faked his photos, he didn’t do this, he had no business...
The Class of 2021 has turned in their research and—boy, howdy—there are some eyebrow-raisers here. When I was first diving deep into all the Billy...
The long and circuitous road from the Hayloft Bar to Larry McMurtry’ s typewriter and back again. Back in my Honkytonk Days (and Nights!), I played...
Here’s a behind-the-scenes look at what it took to get a map of the location of Doc Holliday’s Saloon in Las Vegas, New Mexico (“Classic Gunfights,”...
Is it my imagination, or can we see some daylight on the horizon from here? Dare I say, some of us are even making plans for hitting the road...
Some things just have to be said. In this time of renewed racial contention, it is somehow fitting—and timely—that one of the unsung heroes of the...