Bob Boze Bell
Dixon Rocks

Dixon Rocks

One of my favorite working vacations was staying at the Maynard Dixon cabin and art studio in Mount Carmel, Utah, in September of 2017. I finished my book on Wild Bill in the rock-sided studio’s great room. You can stay there as well and I highly recommend it. I have also made a few runs at Maynard and his geometric style myself.
— Photo and Artwork by Bob Boze Bell —

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Ike Bites the Dust

Ike Bites the Dust

June 1, 1887 Apache County Stock Association detective J.V. Brighton, formerly known as “Rawhide Jack” during his rustling days, and two lawmen have...

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An Apache Named Fun

An Apache Named Fun

On the San Carlos Apache Reservation in the 1870s the U.S. Army was charged with writing down the names of each tribal member who was eligible to...

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