It’s no accident we held our 20th anniversary party on October 26. In our world the date is a national holiday.
And speaking of the O.K. Corral, check out the amazingly clear photo of Tombstone at the time of the gunfight (“Opening Shot”). I have been studying this story for over forty years and I was still floored by some of the new findings. Perhaps the biggest reveal is that

True West January 2020
In This Issue:
To The Point
More In This Issue
- The Best of the West: Western Wear
- The Best of the West: Heritage Travel
- The Best of the West: Western Movies
- The Best of the West: Western Books
- The Best of the West: Western Preservation
- A Gift From the Patron Saint of Western Art
- The Best of the West: Western Fare
- The Best of the West: Firearms
- The Best of the West: Art and Collectibles
- The Best of the West: True Westerner of the Year 2020