Marshall Trimble
The Bombing of Naco

The Bombing of Naco

Few people realize it but the world’s first aerial combat took place near the Arizona-Mexican border. During frequent revolutions in Mexico during...

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Entertainment and the Arts

Entertainment and the Arts

Back in the days before radio, movies and television, lectures were a popular form of entertainment in Arizona communities. They ranged from...

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Rocky Mountain Rails

Rocky Mountain Rails

The chance to get rich quick as a uniquely American article of faith was virtually born in the West. Almost since its beginning, America was the...

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Jailhouse Rock

Jailhouse Rock

  In the rough and tumble towns of early Arizona, churches, schools and jails were most conspicuous by their absence.  Holbrook became the...

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Captain Burt Mossman

Captain Burt Mossman

Arizona greeted the arrival of the 20th century like a frontier Jekyle and Hyde. The communities like Phoenix and Tucson were becoming cosmopolitan...

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Ask the Marshall

Ask the Marshall

Robert Garcia Phoenix, Arizona True. The blood ritual has been around for centuries in the Americas, Europe and Asia. It comes in many forms, but...

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Branding Cattle: The XXX

Branding Cattle: The XXX

  The rangeland of Arizona had pretty strict ideas when it came to stealing livestock yet it can’t be denied that a lot of cow outfits got...

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Uncle Jim’s Last Gunfight

Uncle Jim’s Last Gunfight

The Old West was quickly fading from reality into myth by the mid-1920’s. Most of the old time gunfighters had gone on to their great reward and...

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The Lost Adams Diggings

The Lost Adams Diggings

Somewhere out in these rugged mountains of eastern Arizona, just maybe lies the greatest lost mine of them all…the Lost Adams Diggings. Because of...

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