April 16, 1881
Bat Masterson has just covered 1,100 miles, mostly by rail, to come to the aid of his estranged brother Jim.
As the Dodge City-bound train pulls into the depot from the West, Bat swings down off the train on the north side. It is a pre-emptive move. His intuition tells him his brother’s enemies

True West February 2019
In This Issue:
Western Books & Movies
To The Point
- Women of the Alamo
- Who Was Allowed to Wear Feathered Bonnets and What Did They Signify?
- What History Has Taught Me: Alan Rockman
- What Can You Tell Me About Wild Bunch Associate Laura Bullion?
- Grand Canyon’s Grand Meals
- Western Events for February 2019
- Oregon at 160
- Fire Engulfs Paramount Western Ranch
- Battle of the Plaza
- Hollywood’s Six-gun Fakery
- Were any Arizona Rangers Involved in Gunfights in Mexico?
- A Noose and a Scoop
- The Oatman Party was near Arizona’s Painted Rock Petroglyph Site when they were Massacred in 1851. Could that have been a Factor in the Attack?
- What Were Frontier Dentists Able to Do Medically Besides Pull Teeth and Make Primitive Dentures?