One of the Doc Holliday legends is that he killed some blacks who were swimming in a family pond in Georgia.
The truth, according to Doc’s cousin Susan McKey Thomas, was that in 1872, Doc and his two uncles (one of them Ms. Thomas’ father) did discover a group of black kids playing in the swimming hole. Doc got angry—but he shot over their heads. Nobody was hurt.
Not long after, Doc made his trek west. It’s doubtful his departure was a result of the swimming hold incident.

September 2015
In This Issue:
More In This Issue
- Younger Brothers – The Lost Interviews
- The First Sheriff of Maricopa County
- A Hardcase Confederate Soldier
- Licks and Slicks
- Tunstall Ambushed
- Salting the Mines
- The Last Train Holdup in Oklahoma
- She Dared to Wear Pants!
- Sending Geronimo Off With a Song
- A Dream Turned Ray Simpson Into a Hero
- No Hangin’ Tree ’round These Parts
- Butch and Sundance Go to the Movies
- A Serious Hualapai Insult
- Allen English
- Kit Carson Couldn’t Live up to the Legend
- Virgil’s Arm Flapping in the Breeze
- Chinatown’s Angry Angel
- The Great Escape
- Matt Kimes, Oklahoma Outlaw
- A Texas-sized Custody Battle
- Bill Standifer vs Pink Higgins
- The “Hang ’em High” Judge
- Flora Quick aka Tom King
- Wild Bill and the Englishman
- Big Alice vs Etta Clark
- Drew Barrymore’s Tie to the Old West
- Taylor’s Slicked Up ’73s
- Claw-Finger Kitty Meets Her Fate
- Doc Holliday, the True Story
- Southwest Crusader
- Remington’s Kodak Moments
- Harvey Girls in Dodge City
- Goodnight, Old Shakespeare
- Six-Shooters in the Air
- Ben Johnson Goes to Hollywood
- Bat Masterson’s Cane
- Val Kilmer As Wyatt Earp?
- Burying the Hatchet
- Abducted!
- “End of the Trail” Centennial Celebration
- Descended from Gunmen
- The Gunfight at the O.K. Barn?
- Red Cloud Remembered
- A Bank Robbery Gone Wrong
- Workin’ on the Railroad
- Saving a Piece of True West
- World’s Most Gorgeous Saddle
- The Top 10 Western Museums of 2015
- The Scandalous Boomtown Temptress
- Dust-Covered Foot Soldiers
- Fighting to Cross an Unknown America
- Rick Wallner
- What became of Hickok’s weapons?
- “The Severed Heads Campaign” (March 2015) was a most interesting story. Did some frontier bounty hunters also collect heads?
- What kind of rifle was Bull Harris using in 1966’s El Dorado?
- What’s the story behind the phrase “There’s gold in them thar hills?”
- What was life like for people living in “soddies?”
- Rough Drafts 9/15
- Rough Drafts 8/15
- California Raisins
- Museums We Love
- Bronco: Final Season
- Western Events for September 2015