In the book Roughing It, Mark Twain refers to gunfighters as “long-tailed heroes.” What does that mean?
Paul Gortarez
Phoenix, Arizona
Twain was referring to the frock-coat-wearing gunfighters who prowled the streets of Virginia City. Let’s let Mr. Twain tell the story: “The deference that was paid to a desperado of wide reputation, and who ‘kept his favorite graveyard,’ as the phrase went, was marked, and cheerfully accorded. When he moved along the sidewalks in his excessively l

True West July 2019
In This Issue:
Western Books & Movies
To The Point
- True Western Towns: Glasgow, Montana
- Over Land and Water with John Wesley Powell
- What About Old West Waste Disposal?
- Shouldn’t right-handers hold reins in their left hands?
- The Deadly Escape
- What are “long-tailed heroes”?
- Did Billy the Kid Serve as an Interpreter for Irish Immigrants?
- What History Has Taught Me: Shelley Buffalo Calf
- C.M. Russell Rides Again
- A Collector Like No Other
- Were Davy Crockett and his men Captured and Executed in Mexico City?