New lawman Wyatt Earp tries to figure out who killed a prostitute in John Shirley’s Wyatt in Wichita: A Historical Novel. “When I could,” Shirley notes, “I stuck to facts.” Not so much. Wyatt is in Ellsworth in 1874, witnessing the shooting of Sheriff Chauncey Whitney—which happened in 1873. In Wichita (and Deadwood), Wyatt’s assisted by a pre-Billy the Kid Henry McCarty, who has caught a freight from New Mexico—hard to do since the railroad didn’t reach New Mexico until

March 2015
In This Issue:
More In This Issue
- Vanishing Train Robbers
- His Skin Lives On
- For the Love of Money
- Augustine Chacon’s Musical Escape
- Libbie Custer on the Big Screen
- More Than a Museum
- Never Was a “Cattle Kate”
- The Murder of Andrew Trew Blachly
- Endless Rides
- Rock Throwing Captain Harry Wheeler
- McLaurys Get the Short End of the Stick
- Orders of the Arizona Rangers
- Dark Starr
- Black Bart
- Cole Younger. Confederate Guerrilla. Outlaw. Christian.
- A Woman Branded Wyoming Territory
- Sam Sixkiller
- Bonanza Comes to Ponderosa Ranch
- Gateway to the Cascades
- How Hot was That Coffee?
- Cowboy Actor Ben Johnson
- A Shootout Over Eggs?
- The Switch?
- Every Decent Old West Restaurant Table Held….
- Jar Head!
- Lotta Crabtree and Her Famous Cigarillos
- The Unsinkable Molly Brown
- Just How Many Buffalo Were There?
- “Get Out or Get Shot”
- An Iron Gas Pipe Stands Over the Grave of the Dalton Gang at Coffeyville, KS.
- The Poet Bandit
- Al Jennings of Oklahoma
- Exploring the Old Oregon Country
- The Moonshiner Who Got Away with Murder
- March 2015 Events
- The Last Sioux Warrior
- Surviving the Rapids
- 17 Places to Hang Your Hat in the West
- The Severed Heads Campaign
- The Other Lone Ranger’s Colt
- Buffalo Bill’s Deadly Acts
- “It’s My Obsession”
- What happened to Chuck Connors?
- Was “Arizona Charlie” Meadows real?
- Andy Thomas
- What made John Wesley Hardin such an effective gunfighter?
- Henry Larkin Abbot
- Who was the last Old West gunfighter?
- Did Wild Bill Hickok allow for trajectory in his 1865 duel?
- Western Writers of America President Sherry Monahan Shares Her Love of Books
- Origins Of Western Tourism
- Wyatt Earp Reimagined
- Working Women Of The West
- Juan Bautista de Anza: Sonora’s Son of the Empire
- Rough Drafts 3/15