Montana historian Mary Barmeyer O’Brien’s latest book on Western frontier history The Promise of the West: Young Pioneers on the Overland Trails (TwoDot, $16.95) is a well-illustrated read for all ages. The strength of O’Brien’s volume is her subject which is overlooked by most who write about the Old West: children’s frontier history. With a succinctly written introduction that provides the reader with an excellent overview of the overland trails pioneers followed West, O’Brien tell

January 2016
In This Issue:
More In This Issue
- Western Events for January 2016
- Tom Ketchum and J.N. Powers
- Best of the West 2016: Art & Collectibles
- Mary Kidder Rak
- The Gunslinger Aims to Kill
- The Best of True West Online 2015
- Best of the West 2016: Heritage Travel
- The Ketchum Brothers
- A Snowball’s Chance
- Mining Gold the Easy Way
- What does “four-flusher” mean?
- Cowboy Survivor
- The Bandit Queen Meets Her End
- Gold Rush Days
- The Cloud King
- Best of the West 2016: Firearms
- Salado Creek
- Josephine Williams
- What does “waddie” mean?
- Straight-armed at The OK Corral
- Best of the West 2016: Western Wear
- Billy the Kid’s Great Escape
- Frontier Editors
- What is a cowboy?
- Starry, Starry Fight
- Charlie Bowdre’s Wardrobe Malfunction
- George Warren and the Seal
- What bacon did trail cowboys eat?
- Youthful Tales from the Overland Trails
- The “Cowboy” Pianist
- Henry and Belle Starr
- Fame is in the Name
- The Battle of the Bulls
- Why aren’t great supporting actors in Westerns shown respect?
- Best of the West 2016: Western Books
- “Not Much, Mary Ann.”
- An Englishman’s Extraordinary Adventures
- Miss Piggott’s Special
- Lost Tales of the Frontier
- How many Indians died at the 1876 Battle of the Little Big Horn?
- Cowboy Grub
- Doc and Wyatt Split
- Three-Legged Willie Williamson
- Who Cleaned Up Cochise County?
- If Billy the Kid would have been given a fair trial in the Cahill incident, would the Kid have been convicted of murder or a lesser charge?
- Best of the West 2016: Western Movies DVDs & TV Shows
- Tumbleweed Wagons
- The 100 Best Historical Photos of the American Cowboy
- The Regulators’ Worst Enemy
- Harry Morse vs Narato Ponce
- I’m a fan of AMC’s Hell on Wheels. Is the route constructed from Council Bluffs, Iowa, to Sacramento, California, still in use today?
- Blazer Puts the Bite on Madam Sadie
- Tombstone’s Madams and Working Girls
- Arizona’s Lady Admiral
- Billy the Kid’s Last Victim
- Was Wyatt Earp a Pimp?
- When did the practice of branding livestock begin in the U.S.?
- The Mystery of Jim French
- Robb Kendrick
- Old-Time Remedies
- Esteban: A Pass too far?
- What happened to Mart “Old Man” Blevins of the Pleasant Valley War?
- The Great Die-Up
- Walter Noble Burns and the West
- Fred Fritz and the Grizzly