In large and small institutions, curators create magic through creativity and imagination in the West’s best gallery exhibitions.

In large and small institutions, curators create magic through creativity and imagination in the West’s best gallery exhibitions.
How the real outlaws who rode and robbed from Montana to Bolivia became cinema heroes.
Allan Affeldt knows what it takes to restore a historical hotel or saloon. We’re inside the Legal Tender Saloon, Bistro and Music Hall, a historic...
Fort Sumner, New Mexico, has never been an easy place to live. Winters can be brutal. Summers are often blistering. The scenery’s spartan. Few...
Indian removal doesn’t get the coverage of Indian conflict. To wit, Google searches on “Ponca” netted 5.2 million hits, compared with 239 million...
When Robert J. Conley died in 2014, the Cherokee Nation and Western literature lost a tremendous voice. Evelyn Conley, his widow and driving force,...
The first thing you notice about Willcox, Arizona, is the wine. Wineries. Wine-tasting rooms. Wine festivals. Wine has practically taken over this...
Seven-time Spur Award-winner Johnny D. Boggs has written volumes about Jesse James and “the boys,” including Northfield (Five Star, 2007), Jesse...
Hollywood and Western mythology seemed to strike a chord with Western art museums and their patrons, but, as usual, this year’s top Western art...
There wasn’t much to Big Springs, Nebraska, in 1877. As Al Sorenson noted in his 1877 book, Hands Up! The History of a Crime, Big Springs was “a...
Grandeur is often associated with the paintings of early artists of the American West: George Caleb Bingham, Karl Bodmer, William Jacob Hays, Thomas...
I’ve solved one Old West mystery. You want to know why the Star Line Transportation Company, a k a the Prescott-Santa Fe stage line, only lasted...