“I knew Wyatt Earp…I was an assistant prop boy then…and he told me about the fight at the O.K. Corral.”
John Ford’s statement to Peter Bogdanovich carried the weight of legend, just as My Darling Clementine did. The 1946 film has never looked more spectacular, nor has it been given finer treatment, than in this Criterion release.
This version of My Darling Clementine is the ultimate tribute to Ford’s masterpiece. It is loaded with superb extras, including an excellent commentary from Ford scholar Joseph McBride and an early Francis Ford-directed silent, starring his brother.
The opinions of the best Wyatt Earp movie will go on forever, but for me, My Darling Clementine transcends them all to become a true piece of American folk art. Forget accuracy. Experience the legend, as Ford intended. You will never have a better opportunity than this knockout of a disc.
C. Courtney Joyner is a screenwriter and director with more than 25 produced movies to his credit. He is the author of The Westerners:Interviews with Actors, Directors and Writers.