Kick Up Your Heels! Western wear companies keep the West alive with their best boots, hats and clothing. Since John B. Stetson invented his...

Kick Up Your Heels! Western wear companies keep the West alive with their best boots, hats and clothing. Since John B. Stetson invented his...
Adventures Abound! Pack your bags and head West to discover firsthand where history happened. The American West conjures romantic...
Wall-to-Wall Westerns After a drought in the classic genre in 2020, Western productions returned with both barrels in 2021. What a...
The Western Hangs On While Old West history titles wane, classic Western fiction continues to sell. The canary in the coal mine of Old West...
Authors, Archaeologists, Historians AND Ranchers W. Michael Gear and Kathleen O’Neal Gear are award-winning archaeologists and New York...
Bringing History Alive Awards are already piling up. I get to write about winners. Risk-takers. Visionaries. Bullheaded folks who have...
Old West Classics Remain Popular Timeless frontier six-guns, rifles and scatterguns lead the list for this year’s top guns. While the...
Oysters and Champagne Ring in the New Year The tradition has been enjoyed across the West for more than 150 years. German immigrant Jacob Schram...
It’s Not Just the Money; It’s the Story Auction houses and Western collectors enjoyed a banner year of selling and buying art, collectibles and...
Riding - and Writing - for the Brand! Phil Spangenberger If you have ever spoken to Phil Spangenberger about the Old West, historical firearms,...
Our 20th Annual Celebration of the Absolute Best of the West The year 2021 was a year of both reflection and celebration. Once again, as spring...
December 22, 1873 Tonto Apaches vs Al Sieber and the 5th Cavalry Stationed at Camp McDowell, northeast of Phoenix, A.T., a unit of the 5th...