7. BUFFALO, WY Captain William Fetterman made a fatal mistake on December 21, 1866. He was supposed to stay inside Fort Phil Kearny, which had been built just a few months before to protect travelers along Wyoming’s Bozeman Trail. But a small group of American Indians, led by the legendary Crazy Horse, lured the officer and 80 men outside. Fetterman had no idea that it was a trap. Once they got over a ridge, the soldiers were attacked by a force estimated at 1,000 Indians. The fight, if you wa

January/February 2011
In This Issue:
Western Books & Movies
- Apache: 1861-1880
- Red Cloud’s War
- From Cochise to Geronimo
- Cave Rock
- War Party in Blue: Pawnee Scouts in the U.S. Army
- The Killing of Crazy Horse
- Sitting Bull: Prisoner of War
- Myth, Memory and Massacre
- All of My People Were Killed
- Plains Indians Regalia & Customs
- Building One Fire: Art and World View in Cherokee Life
More In This Issue
- About how many cowboys came through a cattle town each season?
- What’s the story of the doc who killed gunfighter Dallas Stoudenmire?
- How did Tucson become such a lawless place before, during and after the Civil War?
- How successful were traveling salesmen in the Old West?
- Why wasn’t James Earp a major player in the Tombstone troubles in the early 1880s?
- What do you know about the photo of Billy the Kid in the Caldwell, Kansas, museum?
- Top 10 True Western Towns of 2011
- True West’s Best of the West 2011 Winners
- There Will Be War!
- John Wayne’s Wild West
- 1972’s Junior Bonner
- Dances With Wolves: 20th Anniversary
- Red Hill
- Old and New Kids of True Grit
- Jeb Rosebrook
- Riding Toward the Chuck
- A Giant of a Gun
- Following the Trail of Quanah Parker
- Rescuing a State Park
- A Sweet Search for History
- Lead and Negligees for Breakfast?
- Frontier Headache
- Sweethearts of the Rodeo
- Religion Against Profit
- Cut the Tent, Unleash the War
- That Other Rooster Cogburn