5. High Desert Museum (Bend, Oregon) Nature meets history in this fascinating museum that lets visitors get up-close-and-personal to not only almost 30,000 historical artifacts and artwork, but also more than 100 rescued wild animals (otter, lynx, hawks, falcons, spotted owls, wildcats, eagles...). High Desert Museum is also a living history museum where you can help a frontier homesteader with her chores. Events last year ranged from fossil digs to mining days to a wild mustang adoption. You ca

May 2010
In This Issue:
Western Books & Movies
More In This Issue
- Fort Pierre, South Dakota
- William C. Porter
- Western Flair the Duke Would Appreciate
- Grape History on a Sunset Ride
- Top 10 Western Museums of 2010
- Great Guns in the Panhandle
- The Walls of a Prison Will Never Hold Me
- Depression-Era Treasure
- Tracking a Vendetta Rider
- As American as Apple Pie
- Mellow-Trauma
- Straws in the Wind
- Custer Portrait Shares a Hidden Story
- Centennial Celebration
- Can you tell me something about the Apache of southern Arizona?
- Can you tell me something about the comic book hero Kid Colt?